October 21 2019 1Comment
TIVACOAT TIVADEK-architectural-series-v2

Create a Foundation as Strong as your PVC Deck Boards with TIVACOAT

TIVACOAT adds strength and resilience to your substructure

When you have made the decision to invest in a Cellular PVC deck, it was likely because of its durable and low maintenance profile. Wouldn’t you think it is equally important to pay attention to the foundation upon which you are placing your investment? With today’s advancements in decking, there is no reason that every part of your deck shouldn’t be as strong and long-lasting as possible.

At the end of the day, if your substructure is weak, the entire deck is compromised.

“While there is always the option to use steel, people are primarily using wood to build their support structures,” says Megan Fangrad, Sales Manager, TIVA Building Products Inc. “However, think about your overall investment and what it could mean if you are putting down a lifetime material on something with a much shorter lifespan. Your overall end product will be compromised. As a company, we have prioritized research to create products that help homeowners create sustainable and functional outdoor living spaces. This includes our TIVACOAT product, created specifically to extend the life of your deck substructure.”

Think about this… would you build a house on an unstable plot of land? Would you build a car around a faulty engine? No? So, why would you build your deck on a weak structure when you have options? Investing in a product like TIVACOAT is a cost-effective and simple step that will help you increase the longevity of your deck’s support structure, with minimal effort and cost.


TIVACOAT Protects and Extends the Life of Your Substructure

TIVACOAT is a premium single component, liquid applied protective coating, used as a waterproofing membrane for ledgers, beams, joists, and posts. Made from a combination of high-quality bitumen and polymers, TIVACOAT forms a durable elastomeric waterproof membrane that is proven effective in creating a barrier between your substructure and the elements. It is specifically effective at protecting contact points where rot and decomposition are most prevalent.

Containing no solvents, TIVACOAT is non-flammable product that has chemical and organic resistant properties, while also providing important UV protection.

“Our TIVACOAT is a real game changer for contractors and homeowners alike,” says Megan. “Not only does it help create a stronger and more element-resistant substructure for TIVADEK boards, but it is a fraction of the cost of taping with less waste. Plus, the dark colour of the coating makes the substructure basically disappear between the cracks of the deck boards. So, not only is it effective, it provides a great aesthetic finish to any deck.”

Building a Deck That Lasts with TIVADEK

Our TIVA team wants every homeowner to get maximum life from their deck and that starts with the materials chosen at every stage. Not all materials are created equal. The materials you choose need to reflect the climate and elements where you live. If you experience long cold winters, you will need to take specific precautions that may differ from those living in warmer, wetter locales.

Your substructure starts with the choice of wood or steel. If you are using wood, we highly recommend looking at one that is proven rot resistant, such as a cedar or a pressure-treated lumber. Similar thinking will be required for your hardware. Choose a hardware that is meant for extreme outdoor conditions. Stainless steel is often a great option, and while it might cost you a bit more, the last thing you want is the deck boards outlasting the hardware.

Next, understand how temperatures affect your substructure. If you experience long cold winters, we would advise that you dig your base at least 4 or 5 feet below ground level to remove the concern of your deck posts freezing or heaving.

Look to create a strong support structure with which to support your TIVADEK Boards with these key tips:

  • First, ensure your substructure is code-compliant before you begin the final stages of placing your TIVADEK boards
  • Allow for sufficient clearance underneath to promote proper airflow… we recommend a minimum of 8” below the joist
  • Use the proper materials for each job… do not try to use TIVADEK Boards for your support structure
  • Before building the top of your deck, ensure your support structure is square. Your TIVADEK Boards will conform to the shape of the substructure
  • Ensure there are no protruding nails or screws to damage your deck boards
  • Ensure proper spacing between joints. TIVADEK is rated for 16” On Center (O.C.), however we recommend a 12” O.C. for minimal deflection. If you are you placing boards on a diagonal, do not exceed 12” O.C.

Whether working with a professional or doing yourself, we always recommend that homeowners understand the right way to build a strong, long-lasting deck. You can only ask the questions if you know what they are. Look to our site – tivapb.com – for invaluable information on redefining your outdoor space.

At TIVA Building Products, we invested years in plastics’ research, development and testing. We took time to focus on quality, performance and features. And then we took more time to perfect them. When you purchase any of our TIVA Building Products, you can rest-assured that you can enjoy your deck for years to come with little maintenance required. All enjoyment, little work. That’s the TIVA promise.

If you would like to see more about us follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.


  1. PT lumber needs 6 months to dry out. How can you build a frame, coat it and finish the deck all together?


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